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SEIU Local 668 is Pennsylvania’s social service employees union representing 20,000 workers in all counties in the state.We work in state, county, and local government, as well as in the private sector. We deliver human services to the most vulnerable populations in the state, including children, the elderly, and people with mental illness and developmental disabilities. We are social workers, caseworkers, prison counselors, 911 operators, career and employment specialists, unemployment compensation examiners and interviewers, school psychologists, nutritionists, vocational counselors, youth counselors, and occupational therapists.

Together, we do more than represent public sector employees.
Local 668 unites public sector employees to secure better wages and benefits, to ensure fair treatment at work, and protect our rights in the Legislature. Our union is strong because our members are strong–and we continue to build strength and unity. We’re proud of what we do for the people of Pennsylvania, and we work hard to protect and improve these services.

Together, we bargain for better wages and benefits.
We negotiate for better wages and benefits and help shape workplace policies on a wide range of issues like working conditions, health and safety, discrimination, vacation, health benefits, representation, and career mobility. Members come together to discuss their needs. At the bargaining table, our elected member representatives speak for all members with one voice from a position of strength.

Together, we ensure fair treatment at work.
Through a network of workplace activists, shop stewards, trained representation staff (Business Agents), and legal staff, Local 668 provides representation for members who feel they have been treated unfairly or who are facing discipline.

Together, we impact legislation and politics affecting state workers.
As public sector employees, everything we do is about politics. The governor, county commissioners, Mayors, and the state Legislature are our bosses–and they appoint our managers. We provide a voice in the Legislature and defend member’s benefits and job security against legislative and political attacks.

Together, we protect your hard-earned contract rights and guarantees.
Our contracts protect our wages, benefits, job security, and working conditions. When your supervisor, department, or the state as a whole violates your rights guaranteed by our contract, Local 668 uses all means necessary to enforce the agreement negotiated and ratified by our membership.

Together we are stronger.
Our local has grown over the years to make our voice louder by combining a group of smaller unions, including Pennsylvania Social Services Union (PSSU), into one large and strong union. We are part of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU),  which is a union with over 2 million members in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Learn about our statewide member leaders today!

Learn More About 668

Dive deep into our structure, constitution, and who our leaders are.

See Our Structure

Learn more about who represents you and how our Union is governed.

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Learn Our History

Our history runs deep in Pennsylvania labor.

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Read Our Constitution

Learn more about the everyday values that drive our members.


Know Your Rights

You have protected rights at work--be sure you know those rights and how they'll impact your job.

Your Rights At Work

Contact Us Today

Our dedicated staff are located throughout Pennsylvania, serving our members every day. If you need assistance or more information, please feel free to reach out today.

Contact Us

Union Officers

The President and Secretary- Treasurer were democratically elected by membership for a three year term, which runs January 2024 – December 2026. These Officers are the leaders of our union, who are responsible for the daily operation of the union and resolution of all union business. They oversee all union staff and maintain a close working relationship with committee and chapter chairs.